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About me


About me

Color is not what I see – I like the abstraction of it's absence.

Innocent Mbine. is an entirely new breed of photographer who brings photojournalism to the creative arena.

Photography cannot change the world, but it can show the world, especially when it changes.

Innocent Mbine is a Ugandan storyteller, a documentary photographer, and filmmaker, known for his captivating and thought-provoking work that sheds light on the struggles of underprivileged communities. He discovered his passion for photography in 2009, and in 2014, he began working with a charity organisation, where he found himself drawn to capturing the reality of those less fortunate.

As he traveled to remote areas of Africa, Innocent’s photography evolved into a powerful tool for creating awareness about social issues. Through his lens, he captured the harsh realities of people drawing water from contaminated ponds and impoverished children whose families could not afford to send them to school. His ability to tell the stories of these people led to an outpouring of help and donations from people across the world.

Innocent’s work is heavily inspired by the words of the renowned photographer, Sebastião Salgado, who stated, “What I want is to create a discussion about what is happening around the world and to provoke some debate with these pictures.” Innocent echoes this sentiment in his desire to use his photography to spark meaningful conversations about the social issues that he documents.

Throughout his career, Innocent has been dedicated to capturing the stories of people and communities that might otherwise go unheard. His work has influenced change in the societies he has visited, and his photographs have served as powerful reminders of the need for compassion and empathy in our world. With his passion for storytelling and his talent for capturing the beauty and struggles of the human experience, Innocent Mbine is truly a force to be reckoned with in the world of documentary photography and filmmaking.

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